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Ancient Paths to Initiations

for Women, Men and Youth

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The Journey Begins

We have new Board Members and we hope they can continue to offer this wonderful program


For centuries, initiations were an integral part of  the experience of life, and remain so today within many indigenous cultures. But their transformative power and joy have been lost within the haze of  modern Western culture.


If you  are called to the challenges and the magic that will be offered,  this program requires a deep commitment of one weekend per month for 5 months (1pm on Saturday to 2-4pm on Sunday) and then 4 days when you will experience the strength and wonders of vision quest in the wilderness.


If you decide to join this year's group of walking stars, you will be asked to think well on your commitment to yourself and the other initiates.


Marla Madrid is the new CEO of the Sacred Earth Foundation. 

She was a participant and also an apprentice to this program and I'm deeply hoping she will revive it soon.  She is stunning in her energy and creativity and is well suited to leading this experience.








The Program 

Drawing upon tradition and ceremony from a wide range of indigenous cultures, you will delve into the wonders of whom you truly are.


Much more than just rites of passage, you will learn through ceremony and personal work to find your own true calling, and to discover the unique gifts you carry in this life. It is about remembering who you really are, reconnecting to Mother Earth and finding your own immensity within.


Some of the ceremonies and traditions you will experience include:


  • Practices of the Dagara tribe of Africa

  • Rituals of gratitude from Chumash and Mayan traditions

  • Burials: letting go of the past, cleansing yourselves, feeling the oneness with Mother Earth to arise in the wisdom of who you truly are. 

  • Fire ceremony 

  • Sacred Sweat Lodge

  • 4-day wilderness Vision Quest




Pati Turner is the Founder of Tierra Sagrada, The Sacred Earth Foundation and a Biological Anthropologist.  14 years ago she finally listened to the calling which told her it was time to share the incredible gifts she had received through her work of more than 20 years with indigenous elders, shamans and medicine people from around the globe.

She offered this program for 10 years and so hopes Marla will continue to provide it.





"Pati is a breath of fresh air. She infuses ancient and modern wisdom grounded in lifetimes of experience born of hardship, courage, adventure and serendipitous magic. Being in her joyful presence is healing, contagious and inspiring! Her work is powerful and life changing, a spiritual adventure awaiting those who are daring enough to venture into all she is here to give, The program of initiations is transforming and kindlies the fire that guides you into that which you truly are.  Her work has forever changed me, and so many others I’ve personally witnessed this path.  The personal experiences I have had in Pati’s programs, I continually source from as reminders of the incredible magic we are all apart of, and how our minds are so powerful yet not at all who we are. I can’t say enough about all the love and gratitude I have for the beauty of Pati and all that happens at Sacred Earth!"                                                                                                                     2019 Kari G. Denver



"The Sacred Earth Foundation’s initiation program has changed my life in so many ways.  I knew that there was a significant shift happening as I was doing the work with Pati over those six months, but I never anticipated how profoundly those changes would grow to be in my life.  Through my work with Pati, I have opened up what I like to call a pathway to the sacred, the source, Spirit.  It’s a connection that will stay with me forever.  It opened a part of me I was yearning to tap into, but had struggled to do so on my own.  Much of the work was done on my own, but with Pati’s expertise, guidance and never ending knowledge and love.  The ancient ceremonies, songs and traditions that we learned and practiced helped me connect to my deeper self and to Nature in a completely different way than I had ever done before.  I have come to view the world differently and going through the ancient path of initiations has put me on a path to finding  my truth and my true self.  I am forever grateful to the love that Pati put into creating the Sacred Earth Foundation and the love that she has so generously given to me.  She is an amazing teacher and I will always hold her close in my heart!"                                                                                                                              Lindley (Denver)



The Sacred Earth Foundation's Women's Initiations Program is fun, intense and transformative. The ceremonies, traditions, songs and prayers from indigenous cultures worldwide fed my soul on the deepest levels.  It will lovingly and joyously push you beyond your perceived limitations.


Each month we  peeled back layers to reveal our true essence...We learned so much about ourselves, and it was truly a life-changing experience. We forged strong friendships through our experiences together and I have wonderful new friends to laugh and cry with.

                                                                                                                                                       K.J.  (Boulder)



I have waited a while to write this because of how deeply the Initiations affected me. I feel as if I have been broken into a thousand pieces, only to find that most of those pieces are not me. No sense trying to put them back together because they never fit anyway. I'm proud that I honored my self enough to go through the Initiations and I'm enjoying finding out who I really am. I offer my sincere thanks to you Pati, you are an inspiration.                                                        

                                                                                                                             Michael,  (Manitou Springs)

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© 2013 Tierra Sagrada l The Sacred Earth Foundation                                                       

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