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Upcoming Events


Stay Tuned for a whole new chapter in our evolution

The original Board of Directors for The Sacred Earth Foundation have recently retired after 20 stunning and joyful years of sharing our events with indigenous elders, programs of initiations and community sweatlodges.

We are so grateful to all of our communities and to the incredible elders who have helped us to grow throughout these 20 years and we're 


A new team of younger, exciting members have been elected to the Board of Directors to continue the mission of Tierra Sagrada, The Sacred Earth Foundation.  You will be hearing from them soon.


A note from the Founder, Pati Turner


Hello my dazzling community! All of you have made The Sacred Earth Foundation thrive and this is our 20th Anniversay. I am about to turn 73 years old and am stepping down from the Board. I have been unable to offer you the joy we share this year due to health issues and just plain old age. I am sorry for that.


We have just elected an amazing group of younger people to continue this beautiful work. Soon you will see new offerings and you can view our new board members on the website on this page. Marla Madrid, stunning in her energy, will carry this work forward along with her new board members.


I am so, so happy to see that the experiences we have shared will evolve and continue on into the future. Soon you will see new opportunities for sweat lodges and exquisite events.


Thank you to all of the incredible Elders and Wisdom-keepers who

have shared their magnificent incites and teachings for us all of these years. You can see them on the past events page here.


Love, Light and Laughter to all!


Your donations are tax deductible.


© 2013 Tierra Sagrada l The Sacred Earth Foundation                                                       

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