Past Events
The Sacred Earth Foundation is pleased to have helped to bring together many indigenous elders, Earthkeepers, shamans and healers from a wide range of cultures and traditions, so that they may share their wisdom teachings with us. Explore some of our past events below, then SUBSCRIBE to our newsletter to stay informed on upcoming events and activities.
This was a magical weekend with women. shedding our grief and offering songs and prayers in the sacred sweat lodge. Kari is a depth hypnosis pratitioner and spiritual counselor. Through drumming, dance and ceremony hearts were opened. On Sunday the lodge was poured by Pati Turner, Founder, The Sacred Earth Foundation.
Itzhak apprenticed with Don José Joaquin Pineda a well-known fifth generation Ecuadorian Quechua Yachak (shaman) from Iluman, who initiated him into the Sacred 24 Yachaks Circle of Imbabura. He was also initiated by Shoré, an Amazonian Kanamari Pagè (shaman) on the banks of the Rio Negro.A weekend with Itzhak is filled with wisdom from the Andes and the Amazon. It’s filled with community joy.
Sweat Lodge
and Long Dance in the Tradition of Joseph Rael
Summer, 2015
Joseph Rael, Beautiful Painter Arrow for the Vision Makers Clan
OoOonea helped us to experience the depths of emotions, the ability to tap into the peer of those emotions and the wisdom to know the difference in their roots. She brings powerful healing traditions of her ancestors.

The Mountains are Calling
A Festival of Higher Awareness
August 2014
Lyons, Colorado
A day of music, ceremony, healing practitioners, indigenous elders and more, with proceeds benefitting Tierra Sagrada l The Sacred Earth Foundation. Visit the event website.
Featured activities included a Kirtan, a sacred sound Gong Bath, a despacho ceremony, rattle-making workshop and Dances of Universal Peace, with featured healers Maile Lama, Grandmother Walking Thunder, Art Cisneros and Laura Alonzo de Franklin.

Grandmother Walking Thunder Dine' Medicine Woman
California and Colorado
Angaangaq is a Shaman shaman, healer, storyteller and carrier of the Qilaut (winddrum), is an Eskimo-Kalaallit Elder whose family belongs to the traditional healers of the Far North from Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenland. We shared in his powerful teachings and built a new sweat lodge together for ceremony.

Ancient Paths of Initiations
This program is offered annually. for men, women,
and youth.
We are entering our 8th year of offering the ancient teachings for initiations that come from cultures around the globe. This is an opportunity to truly reach out to your higher self, reconnect with Mother Earth and learn about your own immensity withn!
Maile Ngema Lama is among of the most revered and powerful healers in Nepal.

At just 8 years old, she was beckoned by the ancestors of the Nepali mountain shamans and initiated into the traditional arts of healing. Three years later, she became a practicing shaman, a path she has followed for more than five decades.
Grandmother Walking Thunder is a powerful healer, accomplished sand painter, and inspirational teacher. She truly models her immense connection to Mother Earth and walks "the Beauty Way."

With a deep knowledge of plant medicine, sand painting traditions, prayer and ceremony, she has studied with her elders since childhood and has dedicated her life to healing in the traditional ways of the Dine' Medicine People.
Wachan, Martika and Shiqwarkenty Willkasara (Sacred Corn) are a family of curanderos and wisdom keepers from the High Mountains of Colombia and Sacred Valley of Peru.
Founded in the ancient healing arts of the Andes, the ceremonies (including an Ayni Pukara), sacred dance and music they shared were an offering to bring harmony and balance with Pachamama (Mother Earth).
South African shamans - known as Sangomas, meaning seers, dreamers or prophets – are the traditional healers of Africa.
John Lockley is a senior Sangoma in the Xhosa tribe, the tribe of Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. The only white man to hold this title in recent history, John’s mission is reflected in his initiated name, Ucingolwendaba, which means messenger or connector between people and cultures. LISTEN to John.
Santiago is not only a spiritual guide and healer of the Quecha people of Peru, he is also a world class musician whose spiritual roots burst into life with the voices of his guitar, panpipes and flutes as we share in the songs of the Andes.
We have hosted Santiago on several occasions offering his private healing sessions, ceremony and his beautiful music.
From high in the Andes Mountains of Bolivia, Rosse Mary and Eduardo brought heartfelt messages of hope and wisdom, based on their deep connection with nature and mystical love for Mother Earth.
Their understanding of earth energies and the rise of the sacred Feminine we are now experiencing infused their indigenous ceremonies with powerful new energies.
Ladamira is a Siberian healer and shaman, born in Altai north of Mongolia. She has inherited the knowledge of her ancestors, ancient Slavic traditions and shamanic practices from a culture more than 100,000 years old.
Her haunting voice and drumming, kinesthetic movement and intense ceremony help recover harmony with the natural world, your loved ones and yourself.
Angaangaq is an Eskimo-Kalaallit Elder whose family belongs to the traditional healers of the Far North from Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenland.
With each visit we have been overwhelmed with the magnitude of transformation we witnessed in participants of his powerful workshops. WATCH a video of Angaangaq.
During this intimate audience, our Hopi Brothers and Sisters shared with us their art, dance, blessings and wisdoms.
Together with the visiting Sayaka Inka, the Eagle Dancers helped fulfill the ancient prophesy of the Condor dancers meeting their Eagle brothers.

A Day of Chumash Wisdom
October, 2009
Santa Barbara, California
Descended from the pure ancestry of the Chumash lineage (the indigenous people of California's Central Coast), and trained in secret by her grandparents, Cecilia A. Garcia is one of the world's last remaining Chumash Medicine Women.
Sharing her teachings on the traditonal medicine of plants, she was joined on this day in songs, ceremony and storytelling by Art Cisneros, Tautahcho Muhuawit and Ted Garcia
The Sayaka Inka Cultural Group are descendants from the Sayaka Inka Village in Puno Peru, near the sacred Lake Titicaca. They came to the United States to fulfill a 500 year old prophecy of their people; the Condor would reunite with the Eagle.
This was an opportunity to explore the beauty of their open hearts and sacred music. WATCH a video of their performance.

Job No'j Chomiha
Mayan Daykeeper and Elder
February, 2008
Santa Barbara, California
Revered in her culture as "The Coyote Woman" and featured in the film Shift of Ages, Job No'j Chomiha (Rosa Maria Cabrera) was a Mayan Spiritual Guide, Healer and Daykeeper.
TIerra Sagrada l The Sacred Earth Foundation is honored to have hosted one of her last visits to the United States so that she might share her wisdom and teachings. She passed over to the other realm in July, 2008, shortly after her visit.
Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj ("Wandering Wolf"), is President of the Guatemala Council of Mayan Elders, whose life story and teachings are featured in the film "Shift of the Ages."
We were honored to host Don Alejandro in California as he performed a sacred Mayan ceremony to help fulfill the ancient prophesy of the Eagle and the Condor, North and South reunited in this time of great transition on the planet.

A Gathering of Elders
Santa Barbara, California

Sangoma Divinations
Throwing the Bones
Santa Barbara, California
Since ancient times, human kind has gathered around a fire for celebration, illumination, joy and community. Within those communities there were rich contributions from our elders.
Elderwise was a three-hour retreat offering a safe harbor to invite out elders to come to the fire; to share their rich experiences, their joy and their sorrows. It was an opportunity for those whose lives have been touched softly by another to express gratitude.
Alyson 'Freddie' LeBlanc is trained in the authentic shamanic tradition of ancient African divination. She offers a unique experience of the ancient art of spiritual diagnosis through the throwing of the bones, which are tied to her ancestral spirits - and to yours during your reading.
This guidance through the bones offers a torch to guide you on your journey to discover solutions for your life issues.

Fire and Ice
Sacred Fire Ceremony in Greenland
Fulfilling the prophesy of the Kaallit people
Summer, 2009 Greenland
The Sacred Earth Foundation helped to support the manifestation of "The Sacred Fire Ceremony in Greenland," a ceremony which united indigenous people, leading scientists and innovative leaders from around the world, bringing together Spirit and Science as we addressed the Melting of the Big Ice in an event of global magnitude.
This gathering fulfilled the prophesy of the people on top of the world. Centuries ago, the big ice swallowed the trees and only animal fat remained as fuel for the fire. As the ice melts, trees are once again reappearing in Greenland. The prophesy said "when the people need it the most, the sacred fire will return to Greenland..." View a photo album of the event.
For the first time in 26,000 years, we were to have a sacred fire from wood as so much of the big ice has melted that the trees are returning to Greenland. Out on the tundra with 24 hours of daylight at the Top of the World, elders, priests and shamans from New Zealand, Siberia, Canada, Japan, Africa, Brazil, Nepal and more joined together in ceremony for the very first time.