About Tierra Sagrada
The Sacred Earth Foundation
Tierra Sagrada, The Sacred Earth Foundation was created by Patricia Turner, a graduate of the University of Santa Barbara in Biological Anthropology. She spent several years participating in ceremonies with the Huichol People of Mexico. Through her studies and experiences, she came to realize that Indigenous Peoples from around the globe; who have managed to retain their cultures, are the only people who truly live in a sustainable manner with our beautiful planet. Their wisdom, cultures and lands are in danger of extinction at a time in history when their wisdom is deeply needed.
In these times of dynamic change, when the earth’s resources are diminishing at exponential rates, when the consciousness of man is sensing some innate calling toward spirit, the few remaining, communities still living in a truly sustainable manner on this planet are still living in joy and communion with nature.
Join us at The Sacred Earth Foundation as we bring this ancient wisdom forth to teach those of us living in the chaos of our society to walk differently upon Mother Earth, to join in community, to remember our own immensity within. These elders have been called by Mother Earth herself to share their wisdom and their love with us.
Through the foundation we offer opportunities to learn from these healers, sweat lodges and initiations for men and women. Join us as we bring this ancient wisdom to our contemporary lives.